
Miso Glazed Black Cod with Couscous

On the menu tonight – Miso Glazed Black Cod with Couscous!

This is another one of those dinners that comes together very quickly. If your fish is already thawed, all you have to do is mix together a few ingredients for the glaze and pre-heat the oven.

While I baked this dish, I would recommend broiling it a few minutes first to get some color on the glaze and then bake it. I baked it at 375 degrees for 15 minutes. If I broiled it first, I would probably drop the bake time to about 8-10 minutes.

For the couscous, I took a supermarket shortcut with the bag of couscous you and microwave. From start to finish, this dinner only took about 30 minutes and it is WAY healthier than ordering something online. I hope the next time you aren’t sure what to have for dinner, you will try this dish!

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